Sports Injury Rehabilitation

Reduce time required for Sports Injury Rehabilitation and maintain conditioning regimen.
Imagine what it feels like to run at a fraction of your own body weight! GlideTrak™ makes cutting edge, unweighting technology used by professional sports teams, elite training centers and top physical therapy clinics easily affordable and accessible to your injured athletes now!
Remove Harmful Impact
- Protects injuries and surgical repairs throughout rehabilitation
- Promotes pain free exercise
Speed Up Recovery from Sports Injuries
- Allows “Active Recovery” with safe, increased exercise volume vs. disuse
- Athletes can train through injuries
Maintain Top Fitness Levels During Recovery
- Begin conditioning even before safely able on a stationary bike or in a pool
Gain the Advantage of Earlier Treatment
- Begin safe, pain free gait training and running sooner with GlideTrak™ Unweighting
- Begin exercising before incisions have healed for the pool
Meet Doctor’s Orders for Weight Bearing
- Easily meets orders for Touch-Down, Partial or Weight Bearing as Tolerated
- Also allows well-leg training, while protecting injured leg
Pain Free Weight Bearing Progression
- Simple strap or treadmill incline/decline features allow precise unweighting to comfort
- Patients are able to progress from minimal to moderate weight bearing status as tolerated
Restore Running Ability Sooner
- Allows early restoration of running form by minimizing the stress of impact to sensitive or weakened tissues
- Simulates running more closely than bicycling or other exercise machines
Natural Movement
- More natural transition to running motion than from a pool, bicycle or elliptical machine
- Allows gravity to challenge the body without buoyancy or slowing from water resistance
- GlideTrak™ does not change the external environment or eliminate forces of gravity: It simply reduces impact
Earlier Speed and Power Training
- Allows earlier return to speed and power training with less soreness and stress to recovering tissues.
Cross Training and Active Recovery
- Provides optimal cross training and active recovery days.
- Train harder, faster, longer and more often without the risks of excessive joint impact
Get More Conditioning and Performance Out of Larger Athletes
- Especially football linemen
- Effective for off-season weight loss or building a preseason endurance base
- More comfortable on joints and enhances running experience
Progression to Outdoor Exercise
- Athletes may progress from indoor GlideTrak™ training to outdoor exercise on the GlideCycle™
- Injured athletes may condition outdoor with teammates and feel included in practices
- Post-operative hip, knee, leg or ankle rehabilitation
- Anterior knee pain syndromes, Chondromalacia, Patellar Tracking problems
- Tendinopathies, Bursitis
- Ligament or joint injuries
- Muscle strains and contusions
- Turf Toe, Heel Pain, Metatarsalgia, Plantar Fasciitis
- Various back or hip conditions
- Over Speed Training
- Stride lengthening and enhancement
- Power training with brake-resisted explosive starts and hill training
- Recovery training days
- High knee running
- Reciprocal bounding (long jump approaches)
- Double leg bounding
- Single leg training